(B) | 1. |
A. | SLE與HLA-DR2 |
B. | Ankylosing spondylitis與HLA-B2704 |
C. | Behcet's disease與HLA-B51 |
D. | Graves' disease與HLA-B8 |
E. | Chronic active hepatitis與DR3 |
(A) | 2. |
一位27歲的男性,從小就有中等度持續型的過敏性鼻炎(Allergic rhinitis),其血中total IgE 325IU/ml,過敏原檢查發現對house dust mite Der.P 呈+++。請問除了immunotherapy之外,下列何者為首選藥物?
A. | Intranasal glucocorticoids spray |
B. | Moderate dose of oral prednisolone |
C. | Anti-IgE antibody injection |
D. | Oral pseudoephedrine |
E. | Oral H1 antihistamine |
(C) | 3. |
一位42歲女性主訴為慢性蕁麻疹有兩年之久,近日來皮膚風疹塊加劇 , 而且壓了之後也不會消失,理學檢查發現為〝vasculitic urticaria〞。請問下列何種藥物最為適當?
A. | Topical glucocorticoids |
B. | Topical H1 type anti-histamine |
C. | Systemic glucocorticoids |
D. | Hydroxychloroquine |
E. | Cyclosporine |
(E) | 4. |
一位28歲SLE患者產下一位女嬰,但其心跳只有64下/分,請問下列的哪一種自體抗體會引起新生兒的congenital heart block?
A. | Anti-RNP |
B. | Anti-Sm |
C. | Anti-histone |
D. | Anti-dsDNA |
E. | Anti-SSA/Ro |
(E) | 5. |
一位30歲的女性過去沒有糖尿病、高血壓或高血脂的病史。有一天突然發生右下肢深部靜脈栓塞,被醫師診斷為〝抗磷脂質抗體症候群〞(Anti-phospholipid antibody syndrome)。請問何種症狀或檢測與本症候群有關:
(1)pulmonary embolism
(3)protein C缺乏
(4) recurrent fetal loss
(5) protein S過多
(6) livedo reticularis
(7)aPTT shortening
(8)increase DRVVT
(9)subacute cutaneous lupus skin lesion
(10)interstitial nephritis
A. | (1)+(2)+(5) |
B. | (2)+(3)+(4) |
C. | (5)+(6)+(7) |
D. | (1)+(2)+(9) |
E. | (2)+(4)+(6) |
(B) | 6. |
(3)subcutaneous nodule
(4)keratoconjunctivitis sicca
(5)pleural effusion
(8)ischemic necrosis of femoral head
(9)interstitial lung disease
(10)cervical myelopathy
A. | (1)+(3)+(5) |
B. | (2)+(4)+(9) |
C. | (6)+(7)+(8) |
D. | (8)+(9)+(10) |
E. | (3)+(6)+(9) |
(A) | 7. |
A. | Soluble TNF-α receptor |
B. | Anti-CD20 antibody |
C. | Soluble CTLA4 |
D. | Anti-IL-6 receptor antibody |
E. | Anti-LFA1 antibody |
(D) | 8. |
A. | Rheumatoid factors |
B. | Anti-collagen antibodies |
C. | X-ray findings of hands |
D. | Anti-CCP antibodies |
E. | Soft tissue sonography |
(B) | 9. |
哪些臨床症狀或檢查與全身性硬化症(systemic sclerosis)最有相關?
(1)anti-centromere antibody
(2)Raynaud's phenomenon
(3)active synovitis
(4)decrease in DLCO
(5)Gottron's sign
(6)anti-Scl70 antibody
(8)swallowing disturbance
(10)peripheral neuropathy
A. | (1)+(2)+(3) |
B. | (2)+(4)+(6) |
C. | (5)+(6)+(7) |
D. | (8)+(9)+(10) |
E. | (3)+(6)+(8) |
(D) | 10. |
A. | Rheumatoid factors |
B. | ESR |
C. | Thrombocytopenia |
D. | Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies |
E. | Complement C3 levels |