(D) | 1. |
A. | Reflux esophagitis |
B. | Ruptured aortic aneurysm |
C. | Myocardial infarction
D. | Mesenteric lymphadenitis |
E. | Peptic ulcer disease |
(B) | 2. |
腹水(ascites)病因之鑑別診斷有賴SAAG (Serum-Ascites Albumin Gradient),下列有關SAAG之敘述何者正確?
(1)Nephrotic syndrome > 1.1 g/dL
(2)Tuberculous peritonitis < 1.1 g/dL
(3)Cirrhosis > 1.1 g/dL
(4)Peritoneal carcinomatosis < 1.1 g/dL
(5)Constrictive pericarditis < 1.1 g/dL
A. | (1)+(2)+(3) |
B. | (2)+(3)+(4) |
C. | (3)+(4)+(5) |
D. | (1)+(3)+(4) |
E. | (1)+(4)+(5) |
(E) | 3. |
下列有關pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor之敘述,何者正確?
(2)VIPoma (VIP: vasoactive intestinal peptide)可能導致peptic ulcers
(4)EUS (endoscopic ultrasound)是偵測這類腫瘤之最佳工具
(5) Liver metastasis對患者之預後影響甚大
A. | (1)+(2)+(3) |
B. | (2)+(3)+(4) |
C. | (3)+(4)+(5) |
D. | (2)+(3)+(5) |
E. | (1)+(4)+(5) |
(C) | 4. |
(1)Isolated elevation of serum bilirubin, 且direct bilirubin佔70%以上,可能為Crigler-Najjar syndrome
(2)Isolated elevation of serum bilirubin,且indirect bilirubin佔70%以上,可能為hemolysis
(3)Serum bilirubin ↑↑,AST及ALT ↑↑ ,ALP無明顯上升,可能為hepatic decompensation
(4)Serum bilirubin ↑↑,AST及ALT ↑,ALP ↑↑, Gamma-GT ↑↑ ,可能為obstructive jaundice
A. | (1)+(2) |
B. | (1)+(2)+(3) |
C. | (2)+(3)+(4) |
D. | (1)+(3)+(4) |
E. | (1)+(4) |
(D) | 5. |
下列有關gastric polyp之敘述,何者錯誤?
A. | Adenomatous polyps大小不一,dysplasia出現機率亦不一,但有癌化風險 |
B. | Hyperplastic polyps若同時併有H. pylori感染,於根除H. pylori後,此等polyps可能會變小 |
C. | Fundic gland polyps多在1~5 mm大小,常為sporadic發生,與gastric cancer很少有關聯 |
D. | Fundic gland polyps發生於familial adenomatous polyposes患者時,僅有1% dysplasia機率,不必定期追蹤 |
E. | Submucosal lesions應考慮以endoscopic ultrasound做鑑別診斷 |
(A) | 6. |
A. | Primary biliary cirrhosis---Antimicrosomal antibody |
B. | Autoimmune hepatitis---Antinuclear antibody |
C. | Fasting transferrin saturation > 60% & elevated serum ferritin---Hemochromatosis |
D. | Decreased serum ceruloplasmin & increased urine copper excretion---Wilson disease |
E. | Wilson disease---Kayser-Fleischer ring |
(E) | 7. |
所謂postcholecystectomy syndrome是指因disorders of extrahepatic bile duct而造成右上腹症狀於術後仍持續存在。下列各項病況,何者與postcholecystectomy syndrome無關?
A. | Bile salt-induced diarrhea or gastritis |
B. | Stenosis or dyskinesia of the sphincter of Oddi |
C. | Cystic duct stump syndrome |
D. | Retained biliary calculi |
E. | Common bile duct dilatation |
(B) | 8. |
A. | 藥物在肝細胞內之代謝,分為phase I及phase II reaction,其中phase I reaction之中間產物可能會傷害肝細胞 |
B. | Cytochrome p450與phase II reaction相關,glucuronidation則與phase I reaction相關 |
C. | 藥物傷肝之機轉主要分direct toxicity及idiosyncratic reaction兩種 |
D. | 藥物性肝傷害之表現包含hepatotoxicity (hepatocyte necrosis)及cholestasis |
E. | 第一代TZD (Thiozolidinedione)發生肝傷害之機率較高,第二代TZD則較少見 |
(C) | 9. |
下列關於diverticular disease of the colon之敘述,何者錯誤?
A. | 大腸之diverticulosis是一種老化的疾病 |
B. | 腹痛、發燒及白血球異常增多乃是acute uncomplicated diverticulitis最常見之表現 |
C. | 大腸鏡檢(colonoscopy)在急性期執行最有診斷效益 |
D. | 在女性患者,此病應與ovarian cyst, endometriosis或pelvic inflammatory disease行鑑別診斷 |
E. | uncomplicated病患應以抗生素治療之 |
(A) | 10. |
A. | 急性胰臟炎之病程可分兩個phases,第一個phase係發病後1~2週內,其嚴重度 (severity)應以morphologic findings為主要判斷依據 |
B. | CT Severity Index (CTSI)之判斷及計分包含unenhanced 及enhanced CT所見 |
C. | 血中amylase level異常升高也可見於renal insufficiency或lung cancer患者 |
D. | 若有併發hemoperitoneum,在肝臍周圍可能見到faint blue discoloration,稱為Cullen's sign |
E. | 本地最常見之病因為gallstone 及alcoholism |
(E) | 11. |
A. | E型肝炎病毒之潛伏期約為14~60天 (mean,5~6週) |
B. | D型肝炎之傳染途徑主要為paid sex |
C. | 慢性B型肝炎患者血中發生自發性(spontaneous)HBeAg seroconversion (HBeAg (+) 變 (-),Anti-HBe (-) 變 (+)),是一個好現象 |
D. | 慢性C型肝炎以干擾素 + Ribavirin治療至少六個月,可能痊癒 |
E. | 目前台灣三十歲以下的年輕人皆應接受A型肝炎疫苗接種,一個完整的療程共應接受三劑疫苗 |
(C) | 12. |
有位患者腹瀉超過4週,其特徵為水樣性糞便且量相當大,並沒有腹痛現象,即使禁食仍然腹瀉不止,糞便的osmotic gap正常,其診斷可能為下列各種疾病,除了:
A. | 長期飲酒(chronic ethanol ingestion) |
B. | 大腸絨毛腺瘤(villous adenoma) |
C. | 服用lactulose |
D. | 愛迪生病(Addison's disease) |
E. | 胃泌素瘤(gastrinoma) |
(B) | 13. |
(5)ciliary neurotrophic factor
A. | (1)+(2)+(3) |
B. | (2)+(3)+(4) |
C. | (3)+(4)+(5) |
D. | (1)+(3)+(4) |
E. | (2)+(4)+(5) |
(C) | 14. |
A. | bismuth subcitrate |
B. | omeprazole |
C. | cephalexin |
D. | amoxicillin |
E. | clarithromycin |
(D) | 15. |
A. | terlipressin |
B. | antibiotic |
C. | endoscopic variceal ligation |
D. | doxazosin |
E. | octreotide |
(B) | 16. |
A. | isosorbide dinitrate |
B. | atenolol |
C. | nifedipine |
D. | endoscopic botulinum toxin injection |
E. | endoscopic ballon dilatation |
(E) | 17. |
22歲男性,因解血便接受全大腸鏡檢查,結果如圖,病理切片結果為granulomatous inflammation,且acid-fast stain為陰性,下列敘述何者為真?
(3)超過50%以上的患者血中perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (PANCAs)呈現陽性反應
(4)此病可合併週邊關節炎(peripheral arthritis)或僵直性脊椎炎(ankylosing spondylitis)
(5)可合併膽道疾病的發生,例如primary sclerosing cholangitis
A. | (1)+(2)+(3) |
B. | (2)+(3)+(4) |
C. | (3)+(4)+(5) |
D. | (1)+(3)+(4) |
E. | (2)+(4)+(5) |
(E) | 18. |
個案健康檢查時,發現AST:20 IU/L,ALT:18 IU/L,ALP:95 IU/L,r-GT:25 IU/L,bilirubin(total/direct):2.0/0.4 mg/dL,且超音波檢查正常,個案用phenobarbital後bilirubin可恢復正常。有關此個案的敘述,何者正確?
A. | 此病的發生女多於男 |
B. | 與遺傳有關,且為自體顯性遺傳(autosomal dominant) |
C. | 其bilirubin uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) 酵素活性呈現正常 |
D. | 很少發生溶血(hemolysis)現象 |
E. | 與UGT1基因突變有關 |
(B) | 19. |
38歲男性為HBsAg(+)和HBeAg(-)帶原者,住院前一週有倦怠感及腹脹現象,接著出現有深色尿現象,住院時檢查AST:1250 IU/L、ALT:1460 IU/L,bilirubin (total/direct):11.2/7.1 mg/dL, HBV-DNA:1500000 copies/mL,下列敘述何者錯誤?
A. | 診斷可能為B型肝炎急性惡化 |
B. | 患者體內病毒可能在pre-S region 的nucleotide 1896處發生G-->A突變 |
C. | 預後較沒有發生突變的wild-type差 |
D. | 此型是目前歐洲最常見的B型肝炎發作型式 |
E. | 由於移民的關係,目前美國此型的發生率也有增加的趨勢 |
(C) | 20. |
45歲肥胖男性,過去一年來肝功能持續異常,其AST/ALT均在正常值的2倍至5倍波動,檢查發現HBsAg(-), anti-HCV(+), HCV-RNA: 3500000 copies/mL,病毒基因型為第1型,下列敘述何者正確?
A. | (1)+(2)+(3) |
B. | (2)+(3)+(4) |
C. | (3)+(4)+(5) |
D. | (1)+(3)+(4) |
E. | (2)+(4)+(5) |
(E) | 21. |
40歲女性,因急性腹痛至急診處求診,理學檢查右上腹有明顯壓痛,體溫38℃,實驗室檢查AST:1070 IU/L, ALT:1810 IU/L, bilirubin (total/direct) 3.2/1.8 mg/dL,WBC:12400/μl,seg:84%,超音波及電腦斷層檢查如圖,下列敘述何者正確?
A. | 診斷為急性肝炎 |
B. | 常合併肝內膽管結石 |
C. | Morphine是此患者止痛之首選 |
D. | 內科治療為首選,且90%以上患者均可得到症狀改善 |
E. | 近來之趨勢為儘早手術 |
(C) | 22. |
A. | 黃疸 |
B. | 胃腸出血 |
C. | 維生素B1吸收不良
D. | 葡萄糖耐受異常(impaired glucose tolerance) |
E. | 皮下脂肪壞死(subcutaneous fat necrosis) |