(D) | 1. | 一位36歲的女性最近四個月來每天在傍晚之後,在兩手、兩腿及腹部會有蕁麻疹樣的皮疹出現,奇癢難忍。到門診求診經服用抗組織胺之後只有短暫效果。請問增加下列何種藥物,對於控制病情最有幫忙? |
A. | Topical glucocorticoid ointment application |
B. | Methylprednisolone pulse therapy |
C. | Cyclophosphamide pulse therapy |
D. | Hydroxychloroquine |
E. | Sedatives |
(B) | 2. | 一位19歲的男性被虎頭蜂叮螯之後,發生昏眩、冒冷汗及呼吸困難。經送急診之後,請問下列的何種處置應最為優先? |
A. | High-dose glucocorticoid (1 mg/kg/day) injection |
B. | 1:1000 x diluted epinephrine subcutaneous injection |
C. | Check arterial blood gas (ABG) |
D. | Anti-histamine intramuscular injection |
E. | Endotracheal intubation |
(A) | 3. | 46歲的王先生為慢性B型肝炎帶原者。最近兩個月來有左手腕關節及右手肘關節腫痛。抽血檢查發現ANA
1:160 speckled pattern,RF 33.7 IU/ml (normal < 20),ESR 46 mm/1h,97 mm/2h,CRP 1.48 mg/ml,anti-CCP 84.8 IU/ml (normal < 10)。請問患者的最可能診斷為何? |
A. | Rheumatoid arthritis |
B. | HBV-related arthropathy |
C. | Undifferentiated arthritis |
D. | Ankylosing spondylitis |
E. | Osteoarthritis |
(E) | 4. | 在下列的"疾病-標幟抗體"的配對中,何者最正確? |
A. | Acute rheumatic fever - anti-IgG antibodies |
B. | Systemic sclerosis - anti-centromere antibodies |
C. | Vasculitis syndrome - anti-Klebsiella cell wall antibodies |
D. | Sjogren's syndrome - anti-Jo-1 antibodies |
E. | Mixed connective tissue disaease - anti-U1RNP antibodies |
(B) | 5. | 一位47歲女性到院求診的主訴為近兩年來兩側手指在冬天時會變白及變紫。近三個月來兩手背皮膚慢慢變硬,臉部的運動也逐漸僵硬。吞嚥時偶會嗆到。血清學檢查發現ANA 1:160 speckled + centromere pattern,anti-SSA(-),anti-SSB(-),RF(-),anti-Scl-70 576 IU/ml,anti-CENP(-),p-ANCA(-),及c-ANCA(-)。肺功能顯示輕~中度限制性呼吸異常,而DLCO顯現中等度擴散功能異常。請問投予長期下列何種藥物最有幫助? |
A. | Methotrexate |
B. | D-penicillamine |
C. | Cyclophosphamide pulse therapy |
D. | Angiotensin II receptor blocker |
E. | Anti-endothelin receptor antagonist |
(A) | 6. | 一位64歲的婦人最近半年來有明顯的眼乾及口乾的症狀,但是血糖值正常。來院檢查的結果如下:ANA 1:640 speckled pattern,anti-SSA 648IU/ml (normal<120),anti-SSB 312 IU/ml(normal<120),RF 311 IU/ml。被診斷為"Sjogren's syndrome"。為了進一步評估其臨床症狀,請問下列的檢查何者與病人診斷最符合? |
A. | Schirmer's test可以評估淚腺的功能 |
B. | Rose-Bengal test可以評估唾液腺的功能 |
C. | Sialoscintigraphy用來評估甲狀腺的功能 |
D. | Serum IgG,IgM,IgA的濃度可以直接反映患者的免疫功能 |
E. | Nailfold capillaroscopic examination可以直接反映患者pulmonary fibrosis的程度 |
(E) | 7. | 一位47歲的女性患者5年前曾有一次虹彩炎(Iritis)發生,及有一段時期早上起床時會有下背疼痛,後來便逐漸好轉。最近8個月來頸部及兩側肩關節經常酸痛而求診。檢查結果顯示ANA(-),RF(-),CRP
1.74,HLA-B27(+)。另外,家族史中顯示父親有亦有類似情況,而弟弟為乾癬患者。本患者的骨盆的X光照相如圖 ,請問這位患者的最可能的診斷為何? |
A. | Rheumatoid arthritis |
B. | Undifferentiated spondyloarthropathy |
C. | Systemic lupus erythematosus |
D. | Osteoarthritis |
E. | Ankylosing spondylitis |
(D) | 8. | 血管炎(Vasculitis)的診斷有時相當困難。請問出現下列的哪些症候組合時,最有可能是血管炎的表現? (1) ANA(+) (2) systemic involvement (3) polyarthritis (4) palpable purpura (5) microscopic hematuria (6) chronic eczematous skin lesion (7) mononeuritis multiplex (8) body weight loss (9) pulmonary interstitial infiltration |
A. | 1+2+3+4 |
B. | 2+3+6+8 |
C. | 1+5+6+9 |
D. | 4+5+7+9 |
E. | 1+3+7+8 |
(A) | 9. | 實驗室的檢查可以作為診斷風濕性疾病的輔助手段之ㄧ。請問下列的哪些檢查的組合,最有助於紅斑性狼瘡的診斷?(1) complete blood routine (2) ESR (3) CRP (4) C3/C4 levels (5) ANA (6) IgMRF (7) anti-CCP (8) ANCA (9) anti-dsDNA (10) immunoglobulin levels (11) anti-microsomal antibodies |
A. | 1+4+5+9 |
B. | 3+6+7+10 |
C. | 1+2+8+11 |
D. | 6+7+9+10 |
E. | 2+3+5+11 |
(C) | 10. | 1987年美國風濕病學院所定診斷rheumatoid arthritis的7個項目中,請選出正確的4項:(1) 手及腕部的X-光照片顯示有osteophyte的存在 (2) 罹患的7個特定關節區(joint area)是包括手部的proximal interphalangeal (PIP)及metacarpophalangeal (MCP),wrist,shoulder,hip,knee及足部的metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joints (3)RF(+) (4) leukocytosis with thrombocytosis (5) anti-CCP antibodies(+) (6) ESR/CRP值的上升 ( 7) morning stiffness ≧30 min (8) symmetric arthritis (9) arthritis of hands and wrist joints (10) subcutaneous nodules |
A. | 1+2+3+8 |
B. | 2+3+5+9 |
C. | 3+8+9+10 |
D. | 2+4+6+7 |
E. | 4+5+6+9 |