(B) | 1. |
一位52歲女性患者為HBV帶原者有10年之久。主訴為最近二年來兩側手指的遠端指間關節有腫痛及僵硬(如圖)。抽血檢查發現ANA 1: 80(+),RF 24.7 IU/ml (normal<20 IU/ml),ESR 18 mm/1h,CRP 0.86 mg/dl (normal <0.8 mg/dl)。請問下列何種檢查對患者的鑑別診斷最有幫助?
A. | Serum C3/C4 levels |
B. | Anti-citrullinated peptide antibodies |
C. | Anti-dsDNA |
D. | Gallium whole body inflammatory scan |
E. | MRI of bilateral hands |
(C) | 2. |
一位43歲女性兩手近端指間關節、兩側的掌指關節(metacarpo-phalangeal joints)及兩側腕關節(wrist joints)疼痛腫脹有9個月之久(如圖 a)。服用消炎止痛劑會有短暫效果,但是上述關節逐漸發生變形 (X-光檢查如圖 b)。ESR>100 mm/1h,CPR 6.36 mg/dl、RF 384 IU/ml,ANA= 1:160 speckled pattern。請問這位患者的首選治療方式為下列何者?
A. | Specific COX-2 inhibitor |
B. | Glucocorticoids |
C. | Methotrexate |
D. | Synovectomy |
E. | Wax thermotherapy |
(D) | 3. |
28歲男性主訴為兩年來天冷時兩手手指會變白及變紫(如圖 a,b)。anti-Scl-70 574 IU/ml (normal<120 IU/ml),anti-CENP 228 IU/ml (normal< 120 IU/ml)而anti-U1RNP 314 IU/ml (normal<120 IU/ml),血清學檢查發現ANA 1:640 speckled+centromere patterns。另外,患者的手背及前臂皮膚逐漸硬化。甲褶鏡(nailfold capillaroscopy)檢查發現如圖 c (左上圖為正常對照,而其它的圖為患者的不同手指的微血管的形態學)。請問這位患者最須注意的併發症為何?
A. | Renal artery stenosis |
B. | Esophageal dysmotility |
C. | Subcutaneous calcinosis |
D. | Pulmonary arterial hypertension |
E. | Congestive heart failure |
(A) | 4. |
A. | Pelvis X-film (AP view) |
B. | Sonogram of neck and bilateral shoulder joint areas |
C. | HLA-B27 |
D. | C-spine X-film (AP and lateral view) |
E. | Autoimmune profile |
(C) | 5. |
一位37歲的男性患者在2週前有腸胃道感染引起下痢,之後右腳踝關節劇烈腫痛(如圖)。抽血發現ESR 32 mm/1h,CRP 2.14 mg/dl。遺傳因子HLA -B27呈陽性。請問這位患者的最可能診斷為何?
A. | 類風濕關節炎 |
B. | 柔軟組織風濕症 |
C. | 反應性關節炎 |
D. | 感染性關節炎 |
E. | 足底筋膜炎 |
(B) | 6. |
一位68歲的男性患者最近半年來發現三次流鼻血,經耳鼻喉科醫師診斷為鼻竇炎及口鼻部黏膜潰瘍。因最近一個月久咳不癒且有血痰出現,X光檢查發現肺部有數個腫瘤陰影(如圖)。抽血檢查發現Hb 9.7 g/dl ,ANA 1:80 speckled,c-ANCA 33.6 IU/ml (normal <8 IU/ml),p-ANCA 1.4 IU/ml。VATS檢查並作病理切片發現並非惡性腫瘤。請問最有可能的診斷為下列何者?
A. | Polyarteritis nodosa |
B. | Wegener's granulomatosis |
C. | Churg-Strauss syndrome |
D. | Microscopic polyangiitis |
E. | Behcet's disease |
(B) | 7. |
一位72歲的男性患者有消化性潰瘍的病史,而且有二次腸胃出血的既往史。昨天半夜在左大腳趾突然發生急性發炎,經抽血檢查發現尿酸值8.9 mg/dl (normal<7.0 mg/dl)。而大腳趾抽取液發現有針狀的尿酸鹽結晶。請問下列的治療方式中,何者最為恰當?
A. | Indomethacin (25 mg) 1# QID |
B. | Intra-articular injection of triamcinolone 20-40 mg |
C. | Ice bag packing |
D. | Colchicine 0.6 mg Qh until diarrhea occurrence |
E. | Allopurinol (100 mg) 1# BID
(E) | 8. |
下列11個項目中,哪四種組合用來診斷SLE最為適當? 1.discoid rash;2.oral ulcer;3.decreased serum complement levels;4.arthralgia ;5.proteinuria>0.5 g/24h;6.elevated serum anti-dsDNA autoantibodies;7.seizure;8.thrombocytopenia;9.alopecia;10.lymphadenopathy;11.persistent fever。
A. | 2+3+4+5 |
B. | 6+7+8+9 |
C. | 1+2+10+11 |
D. | 1+3+5+7 |
E. | 1+5+6+7 |
(A) | 9. |
下列有關"自體抗體-臨床症狀"的組合中,何者最為正確?1. ANA-screen test for autoimmunity;2.anti-RNP-psychosis;3.anti-Ro/SSA-oral ulcer;4.anti-La (SSB)-prevention of lupus nephritis;5.anti-histone-dactylitis;6.anti-phospholipid-thrombosis;7.anti-ribosomal P-drug-induced lupus;8.anti-Jo-1-pulmonary interstitial fibrosis;9.anti-Scl 70-scleroderma。
A. | 4+6+8 |
B. | 1+3+5 |
C. | 2+7+9 |
D. | 3+4+7 |
E. | 5+6+9 |
(D) | 10. |
以acute monoarthritis呈現的疾病包括下列何者最為常見?1. rheumatoid arthritis ;2. gouty arthritis ;3. osteoarthritis;4.septic arthritis;5. polymyalgia rheumatica;6.calcium pyrophosphate deposition diseases;7. palindromic rheumatism;8. psoriatic arthropathy;9. pigmented villonodular synovitis 。
A. | 1+3+5 |
B. | 7+8+9 |
C. | 1+5+9 |
D. | 2+4+6 |
E. | 3+7+9 |