(C) | 1. |
一位25歲女性因為貧血、深色尿求診,血液相如下:血紅素9.5 g/dL,MCV 95fL,網狀紅血球7.8%,白血球及血小板無異樣,血清AST 85 U/L,ALT 30 U/L,bilirubin全量3.1 mg/dL,直接型0.8 mg/dL,LDH 1,560 U/L,小便潛血陽性,但沈澱物中無明顯白血球及紅血球,下列各項檢查中何者對診斷最不需要?
A. | Flow cytometry for CD55, CD59 |
B. | Coombs' test |
C. | Osmotic fragility test |
D. | Cold agglutinin |
E. | G6PD |
(B) | 2. |
一位45歲男性,無其他全身性疾病,因為皮膚瘀青應診,但其他部位無出血現象。血液檢查顯示血紅素13.1 g/dL,白血球9,550/uL,血小板16,000/uL,骨髓檢查無特殊異常。下列何者為對此病人最適當的處置?
A. | Glucocorticoid plus platelet concentrate transfusion |
B. | Glucocorticoid alone |
C. | Intravenous immunoglobulin plus platelet concentrate transfusion |
D. | Intravenous immunoglobulin alone |
E. | Glucocorticoid, intravenous immunoglobulin and platelet concentrate transfusion |
(C) | 3. |
A. | Antithrombin III deficiency |
B. | Protein C deficiency |
C. | Protein S deficiency |
D. | FactorV Leiden mutation |
E. | Prothrombin 20210A mutation |
(A) | 4. |
為預防發熱性非溶血性輸血反應(febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reaction),在輸血前先給予何種處置?
A. | Antipyretic agent |
B. | Antihistamine |
C. | Glucocorticoid |
D. | Antibiotics |
E. | Irradiation of blood cellular components |
(B) | 5. |
一位26歲女孩因經血過多應診,身體無其他異狀。血液檢查顯示血紅素10.2 g/dL,白血球5,850/uL,分類正常,血小板187,000/uL;出血時間稍長,PT正常,PTT延長。下列何者是此病人最可能的診斷?
A. | Hemophilia |
B. | von Willebrand disease |
C. | Uremia |
D. | Disseminated intravascular coagulation |
E. | Hepatitis |
(E) | 6. |
A. | Helicobacter pylori: gastric MALT lymphoma |
B. | HTLV-1: adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma |
C. | Epstein-Barr virus: nasal NK/T cell lymphoma |
D. | HIV: diffuse large B cell lymphoma |
E. | Human herpes virus 8: Burkitt lymphoma |
(D) | 7. |
A. | Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
B. | Right-to-left shunts |
C. | Penal cell carcinoma |
D. | Hyperthyroidism |
E. | Smoking |
(E) | 8. |
下列何者為不明原因之thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura常見的變化? (應選出全部答案)
1. Schistocytes
2. ADAMTS13 deficiency
3. High LDH level
4. Reticulocytosis
A. | 1+3 |
B. | 2+3 |
C. | 1+2+3 |
D. | 1+3+4 |
E. | 1+2+3+4 |
(C) | 9. |
1. Bevacizumab
2. Bortezomib
3. Thalidomide
4. Steroids (應選出全部答案)
A. | 1+4 |
B. | 2+3 |
C. | 2+3+4 |
D. | 1+2+3 |
E. | 1+2+3+4 |
(C) | 10. |
1. Microcytic anemia
2. Reticulocytosis
3. Mild thrombocytosis
4. Eosinophilia (應選出全部答案)
A. | 1 |
B. | 1, 2 |
C. | 1, 3 |
D. | 1, 2, 3 |
E. | 1, 2, 3, 4 |